fermented bean curd

cultural objects
as inspiration for mocking advertisement
"ugly" delicious spicy snack that I used to eat regularily when I was in China.
By choosing this particular snack, I want to visibilise and manifest the presence of Chinese snacks since they are not shown in European Media and make me forget about the richness of Chinese food.
lack of spicy-ness in European cuisine and culture

spicy can also be understood as a fierce attitude

mocking the blend white smile beauty standard

taste before optics

The idea of the mocking advertisement is to bring awareness to cultural objects used by diaspor-eans*. These objects are often mis-read and made fun of in Europe.

We do this by re-approriating classic Western advertisement style and give them a funny, yet thoughtprovoking twist.
*diaspor-eans =
BPOC living in Europe